
What We Do


Family Dispute Resolution (FDR)

Family Dispute Resolution – An independent Practitioner who will assist families who are separated or are going through separation resolve some or all their disputes in relation to their child/ren and/or parenting matters. 


Property & Financial Mediation

An independent practitioner to assist separated or separating couples to reach a resolution to the distribution of their property and/or financial assets and liabilities.

The family Law Act, 1975 (Cth) has a four-step process for property division:

  1. Identify and value ALL the assets, liabilities, and resources of the parties.
  2. Consider the contributions each party made throughout the relationship.
  3. Consider the future needs of each party; and
  4. Consider whether the proposed settlement is just and equitable.

~ To ensure that each party has a complete understanding of their responsibilities, obligations, and entitlements, we always recommend parties to seek legal advice prior to mediation. ~



Section 60I Certificate

In 2006, the Family Law system changed to require separating/separated parents who have a dispute regarding their child/ren to attend Family Dispute Resolution (FDR) and make a genuine effort to try to resolve the issue/s before applying to the family law court for parenting orders.  If FDR is not successful, the Registered Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner can issue a section 60(i) certificate allowing a party to make an application to the Australian Family Law Court. (Refer Family Law Act 1975 for definition).

A lack of communication breeds assumptions of what the other is thinking or feeling; and assumptions, more often than not, are incorrect.

Misty Lynn Walker


Benefits of FDR & Mediation

~ Protect your children from the impacts of separation and ensure the best interest for your child/ren is priority.

~ In comparison to other alternatives in resolving disputes; Family Dispute Resolution (FDR) & Mediation is a cost-effective way of helping separated families find a resolution without having to go to court.

~ The FDR practitioner will not offer any legal or expert advice, rather encourage both parties to find their owns solutions.

~ Each FDR/Mediation is facilitated by a Registered Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner.

~ FDR & Mediation is private, and information shared with the mediator is kept confidential.

~ Reduce conflict and stress so you can move forward positively and with financial certainty.

~ Provide you with information and referrals.


Why FDR & Mediation?

~ Separating parents who can no longer communicate with each other effectively.

~ Separating partners who are having difficulty agreeing on property settlement.

~ Parents who want to review their previous parenting plan.

~ Family disputes involving extended family members – grandparents.

Prior to mediation taking place, it is required that all parties attend an intake & safety consult to determine whether Mediation is suitable.